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The following appointments are for our Nixa location only. 

If you are wanting a mobile appointment or have any special requests please call us at (417)590-8189.

We do offer a limited number of weekend appointments. Please call us to check for availability.

100% pure hydration delivered straight to your cells.
Feeling under the weather or just want to boost your immune system? This is the infusion for you! The Defender helps your body prevent or fight colds, flu, allergies or any illness.

Ascorbic Acid, B Complex and Zinc

Add: B12 for fatigue or Toradol for pain
Played a little too hard, ease your hangover with the "Hair of the Dog". This infusion delivers hydration, vitamins and minerals plus medication for nausea to help you recover quickly.

Magnesium, Calcium and B Complex

Add: B12 for an energy boost
Feel energized and boost your metabolism. With the extra B vitamins you will increase your energy, improve your mood and help your body deal with stress. 

B12, B Complex, Taurine
Need that extra boost to help with weight loss? This infusion increases your metabolism, turns fat into energy and enhances your weight-loss efforts.

B Complex, B12, L-Carnitine and Zinc
Enhance your performance and decrease your recovery time. This infusion is great for athletes and anyone recovering from surgery or injury. Packed with the perfect blend of vitamins and amino acids for repairing, healing and building muscle. 

Magnesium, B Complex, Ascorbic Acid and an Amino Acid Blend
Fight acne, wrinkles and tired skin from the inside out. Packed with age-busting antioxidants that protect your cells from harmful toxins. Vitamin C for collagen production and Biotin helps decrease blemishes and brightens your skin. This infusion also helps clients who want to maximize their results after receiving Botox, fillers, Kybella or other facial rejuvenation services.

Ascorbic Acid, B Complex, Biotin
Pioneered by Dr. Meyers in the 1960’s for the use of Intravenous Nutrient Therapy (IVNT). “Myers Cocktail” was formulated to help people reach optimal health. It has been found to be effective against migraines, fatigue, fibromyalgia, muscle spams, upper respiratory infections, seasonal allergies, cardiovascular disease and other disorders.
Magnesium, Calcium, B12, B Complex and Ascorbic Acid
Add: Glutathione to detox or Zinc for extra immune boost
B12 Shot
Cleanse your body of free radicals, heavy metals, and oxidative stress.

Magnesium, B Complex, Ascorbic Acid and Glutathione
DNA Nutrition Test
NAD+, price varies based on dose.
Melt away stress and anxiety with this total relaxation infusion. Packed with the right combination of vitamins and minerals to bring a synergistic effect for your whole body.

Magnesium, Calcium, B12, B Complex

For Migraines add: Toradol for pain