Step 1 Of 3

Select this appointment type if you are following up, or are already established with us, but need to come back for a new issue. 
You may also select this if you are following-up after a recent visit with me at UF Health Pediatrics, but it is your first visit at BORN to Connect. 
This is the first lactation consultation meeting. 
If you have worked with me recently at UF Health Pediatrics, but are new to BORN to Connect, then schedule a follow-up appointment.
Schedule this type of visit if you only need to talk about pumping (either breastfeeding is going well or you are not breastfeeding directly at the breast). This can be helpful for exclusive pumping, separation from baby, and/or planning for return to work. 
Prenatal lactation consultation.
This may be helpful for 1st time parents/breastfeeders, those with a history of breastfeeding difficulties, or risk factors for milk supply issues. 

One on one newborn care session to teach all about how to care for your baby, what is normal and not normal, soothing techniques, understanding baby's cues, and more!
Evaluation of for oral ties (tongue-tie, lip-tie, and/or cheek ties). 
Please note, this appointment type does not include lactation consultation beyond discussing symptoms and feeding history. 
All lactation consultations include a functional oral exam, so this appointment type is not needed if you are coming for a lactation consult also.