Step 1 Of 3

An extended Cranial Sacral Therapy appointment for established patients.
An extended follow-up appointment for established patients that have new or more than two concerns.
A standard follow-up appointment for established patients. If there are new or more than two concerns, please consider scheduling a Follow-up, Extended Appointment.
A standard follow-up appointment for established patients. If there are new or more than two concerns, please consider scheduling a Phone/Video Consult, Extended Appointment.
A brief follow-up appointment (15min) and a Cranial Sacral Therapy appointment (45min) for established patients.
A brief follow-up (15min) and an extended Cranial Sacral Therapy (60min) appointment for established patients.
A Cranial Sacral Therapy appointment for established patients 14 years or younger.
A Cranial Sacral Therapy appointment for established patients 15 years or older.
A longer consult for established patients, recommended if there are two or more, and/or new concerns.