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Thank you for booking with Glowing Skin Med Spa! We're looking forward to meeting with you. Please arrive 5 minutes in advance for your appointment; if you would like to complete your patient forms in office, please plan to arrive at least 10 minutes in advance. 

Glowing Skin Med Spa
Schedule a consultation with one of our SkinCare Specialists today in office! Learn about the Skincare, Anti-Aging, Treatment options best suited to your skin and your aesthetic goals. 
The consultation fee will be credited to a service received from the provider within 6 weeks of your consultation appointment. 

What does this include?
  • Identify your Skin Care concerns
  • Discussion of your skin concerns 
  • What are you feeding your skin – (recommendations)
  • What are you using on your skin – (Bring your products to discuss)
  • Skin Care Plan for Glowing Skin – Our Skin Care Expert will give you suggestions and product recommendations. By following the plan, you and your skin will look and feel the way you have always wanted.
Our priority is to help every patient achieve their skincare goals. With an array of professional products, we will customize each treatment to meet the specific needs of our patients. 
Venus Viva MD Skin Resurfacing Treatment

Get smoother skin without the downtime! Venus Viva™ MD is a non-surgical solution for skin resurfacing that corrects signs of skin damage and improves the appearance of acne scars and other scars, stretch marks, rosacea, enlarged pores, deep wrinkles, and uneven skin texture and pigmentation. 

Venus Viva™ MD skin resurfacing treatments work with tiny pins that safely deliver heat (via NanoFractional Radio Frequency) through the skin’s surface. This creates tiny micro-dermal wounds, which the body naturally heals on its own. This process repairs signs of skin damage visible on the surface of the skin. Since the wounds are so small, the treatment is much more comfortable than traditional CO2 lasers, while still producing incredibly visible results.
What is Microneedle with PRP?

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) plus Microneedle combines two powerful treatment modalities in one to achieve skin rejuvenation. During the procedure, DermaPen 4 device is used to create controlled micro-injuries to the skin with nano-needles in order to produce collagen and elastin. Microneedle also creates channels through which Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) or Stem Growth Factors can be applied to the skin surface to expedite the body’s own repair process. Combining PRP with Microneedle, you get a significant increase in collagen since growth factors are able to travel through the microchannels directly to rejuvenating tissue.

PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy uses Growth Factors found in the patient’s own platelets. It is a natural serum derived directly from your own cells to initiate repair and rejuvenation. The patient’s blood is drawn and placed in a machine, where the Platelet-Rich Plasma is separated from the blood and applied immediately after microneedling.

  • Reverse Signs of Aging
  • Skin Texture
  • Even Skin Tone Complexion
  • Collagen & Elastin Production
  • Acne Scars. Sun Damage, Discoloration

What areas can you treat?
  • Face, Neck, Decollete, Arms, Hands, Legs, Adomen, Back.
Our Oxygen Infusing Treatment System maximizes the skin’s natural oxygen levels, nourishing, hydrating and rejuvenating your skin. This facial-is an essential monthly treatment that can also be used for post-procedure recovery after peels, laser treatments and surgery. 
Includes : Exfoliate, Cleanse, Hydrate, Oxygenate. 
We love detailing facials!
If you don't know what ?facial to start off with, this is a great starter.
Glowing Skin Custom Facials are designed specifically for you with a custom blend of medical grade products and state of the art technology. 
May Include : microcurrent , ultrasonic, dermaplaning, oxygen infusion and radio frequency. 
NAD+ is a critical coenzyme to produce energy and regulate key bodily functions. Replenish your levels and do more of what you love!

A powerful way to supplement your NAD+ levels without infusions.

  • Improves energy levels, mental clarity & mood

  • Effective in reducing cravings

  • Improves post-workout recovery

  • Compounded & made-to-order by a certified pharmacy

  • Administered 1-3x per week

  • Our most powerful way to supplement NAD+ levels

  • Available at a fraction of the cost of NAD+ infusions
Venus Legacy- Cellulite Treatment Machine - The Celebrity Favorite 

Venus Legacy is a skin tightening treatment that uses heat to naturally boost collagen production, which smoothens out cellulite and diminishes wrinkles on the face and body. Venus Legacy skin tightening results include a body that looks slimmer and more sculpted and cellulite that almost disappears.

What is Venus Legacy ?
Venus Legacy is a cutting-edge aesthetic treatment that utilizes a combination of radiofrequency (RF) and pulsed magnetic fields to address various cosmetic concerns. It is a non-invasive procedure that aims to improve skin quality, reduce cellulite, and contour the body. By delivering controlled heat to the deeper layers of the skin, the device stimulates collagen production, tightens sagging skin, and enhances overall skin tone and texture. This innovative technology has gained popularity for its ability to provide noticeable and long-lasting results without the need for surgery or downtime. Whether you’re looking to rejuvenate your face or target specific areas of your body, Venus Legacy offers a safe and effective solution for achieving a more youthful and sculpted appearance.
What is Venus Legacy?

Venus Legacy is a cutting-edge aesthetic treatment that utilizes a combination of radiofrequency (RF) and pulsed magnetic fields to address various cosmetic concerns. It is a non-invasive procedure that aims to improve skin quality, reduce cellulite, and contour the body. By delivering controlled heat to the deeper layers of the skin, the device stimulates collagen production, tightens sagging skin, and enhances overall skin tone and texture. This innovative technology has gained popularity for its ability to provide noticeable and long-lasting results without the need for surgery or downtime. Whether you’re looking to rejuvenate your face or target specific areas of your body, Venus Legacy offers a safe and effective solution for achieving a more youthful and sculpted appearance.
Dermaplaning is a manual exfoliation treatment. It involves the use of a sterile surgical blade that gently scrapes away the top layer of dead skin cells revealing smooth, exfoliated and Glowing Skin.
Dermaplaning is wonderful for exfoliating the skin and for those that have peach fuzz on their face. It removes this along with dead skin cells, resulting in healthier looking skin. Removal of this outer layer of dead skin cells and vellus hair enhances the penetration and speed of your personal skin care regimen. After the treatment, your make-up will apply on better and your skin will be very smooth. This is a no-downtime procedure.
Get touched by Alexandra Carvajalino, our Founder/CEO and Medical Aesthetican.  

Leave your skin care worries up to Alexandra and let her transform your skin with her magical hands and new innovative top-secret skincare treatments!
The price varies.

$50 deposit is credited to service.
Venus Legacy - The Cellulite Treatment Machine

What is Venus Legacy?
Venus Legacy is a cutting-edge aesthetic treatment that utilizes a combination of radiofrequency (RF) and pulsed magnetic fields to address various cosmetic concerns. It is a non-invasive procedure that aims to improve skin quality, reduce cellulite, and contour the body. By delivering controlled heat to the deeper layers of the skin, the device stimulates collagen production, tightens sagging skin, and enhances overall skin tone and texture. This innovative technology has gained popularity for its ability to provide noticeable and long-lasting results without the need for surgery or downtime. Whether you’re looking to rejuvenate your face or target specific areas of your body, Venus Legacy offers a safe and effective solution for achieving a more youthful and sculpted appearance.
During your consultation, you'll discuss a few very important things with your Glowing Skin Med Spa practitioner. This includes:
  • Discussion of your medical history
  • Discussion of your goals for cosmetic injectable treatment
  • Evaluation of your skin and your facial muscle movement
  • Discussion of possible side effects (they're very rare)
  • Recommendations for your aftercare (there's no downtime, but you'll need to take a few precautions to protect your skin)
Next, you can make your decision! If you decide that Botox or Dermal Fillers is the right choice for you, you can usually proceed with your treatment right away. You'll sign a consent form to verify that your Glowing Skin Med Spa practitioner discussed the service with you in detail and that you're ready to have the treatment.

The $50 consultation fee will be credited to a service within 6 weeks of your appointment.
You and your Skin Care Expert will discuss your skincare goals, analyze and evaluate your skin condition. We will design a personalized-at-home skincare regimen tailored to your needs and a treatment plan to correct any skin care concerns via Zoom, FaceTime or WhatsApp Video. The consultation fee will be credited to a service received from the provider within 6 weeks of your consultation appointment. 

What does this include?
We will begin by going over a skin plan and talk through your current skincare regimen and goals.
One of our Skin Care Experts will evaluate the current state of your skin and what it needs during this virtual consultation via Zoom or FaceTime®. 
Bring your current skincare products to your video appointment. We will make suggestions on what you should keep or toss. 
Together we’ll create a customized at-home skincare regimen that truly works for YOU. Your custom skin care regimen will come with step-by-step instructions. 
We will schedule a follow-up consultation to review your new daily skincare regimen results.

Save time, money and frustration by finally getting the right daily skincare routine that delivers the results you’ve been looking for. So many people find skincare confusing - we will make it simple for you!
Carboxytherapy is a treatment that involves injecting a small amount of carbon dioxide gas underneath the skin. It can be used to treat stretch marks, dark circles under the eyes, cellulite, and excess fat in specific areas of the body. It also aids in collagen repair and destruction of fatty deposits.

A $50 deposit fee will be credited to service.
The Platinum HydraFacial is the ultimate HydraFacial. It starts with a detoxification process, lympathic drainage. This HydraFacial also includes a special booster that can address your specific skin concerns. This HydraFacial concludes with LED Light Therapy to help banish the signs of aging. 
PRF, or Platelet-Rich Fibrin, is the next-generation treatment. The Ultimate Blood Concentrate, into areas where you want to see smoother, more youthful-looking skin. Stimulating collagen and improving blood supply leave your skin looking softer and healthier. You will see increased fullness, smoothing of lines and wrinkles, and improvements in skin concerns, including dullness, and loss of firmness. Platelet-rich fibrin can also be used to reverse early signs of hair loss and restore fuller hair. By increasing blood supply and growth factors in the scalp, hair follicles that have stopped producing hair can be revitalized. It is a 100% natural gel-like material that is derived from your own blood sample and created using the latest technologies to isolate beneficial cells. Your blood goes through a cooling and heating process, without any chemical additives or modification, which will form the gel-like material. 

PRF is an increasingly popular cosmetic treatment that offer a range of benefits for various aesthetic concerns. ?
  • Facial Rejuvenation: PRF can be used to improve skin tone and texture, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and promote overall skin health.
  • Scar Revision and Acne Scarring: PRF can help reduce the appearance of scars from acne, injury, or surgery.
  • Hair Restoration: PRF can stimulate hair growth and improve the thickness and density of hair in areas of hair loss or thinning.
  • Lip Enhancement: PRF can be used to enhance the shape, volume, and definition of the lips.
  • Hand Rejuvenation: PRF can improve the appearance of aging hands by reducing the visibility of veins and tendons and improving skin quality.
The PRF procedure starts with a small amount of blood being drawn from the patient. The blood is then placed in a centrifuge machine, which separates the blood cells and plasma. The plasma is collected and used for the procedure. The PRF is then injected into the treatment area using a cannula or fine needle.

*This treatment requires us to draw your blood – stay hydrated 24 hours prior to your appointment.*
Botox Cosmetic (onabotulinumtoxinA) is the most popular, well-known injectable neuromodulator. It’s a form of botulinum toxin that temporarily relaxes facial muscles, softening the appearance of dynamic facial wrinkles created by repeated muscle movement. We carry Botox, Jeaveau and Dysport.

  • Forhead
  • In between the eyebrows (11's)
  • Around the eyes
  • Trapezius muscles
  • Neck bands

We charge $13 a unit. The price varies depending on how many units are used.
SKINVIVE™ by JUVÉDERM® helps the skin retain its natural moisture and softness, leading to an improvement in the skin smoothness of the cheeks. In clinical studies, patients who were treated with SKINVIVE™ by JUVÉDERM® also reported high satisfaction with how glowing, hydrated, refreshed, and healthy their skin looked through 6 months. SKINVIVE is a hyaluronic acid (HA), non-volumizing injectable that smoothes and hydrates the skin from within. This skin booster injection is FDA-approved to increase hydration and to improve overall skin quality and texture.
Radiesse® is the only dermal filler that provides an instant lift and stimulates the production of collagen for long-lasting results. Radiesse is your choice for versatile filling, vertical lifting and contouring, and skin rejuvenation.

Replenish Volume. Restore Collagen. Refresh You.
Ideal wrinkle reduction is achieved by replenishing your skin’s lost volume. Upon injection, Radiesse® Dermal Filler immediately provides the volume and lift required to diminish the signs of aging with a biodegradable gel and calcium-based microspheres. What’s unique about Radiesse is that it acts as a scaffold under the skin, stimulating and providing a structure where your own natural collagen can grow. This process continues for several months, extending the initial effects of Radiesse. Best of all, the natural-looking results are clinically proven to last a year or more in many patients.

Activate the skin’s natural regenerative process with Sculptra to help replenish lost facial collagen. Collagen is the most common protein in the body and helps support the skin’s inner layer. The mechanism of action of Sculptra is the production of your own collagen in response to the material injected. This process takes about 6 months. However, results can be seen sooner. Over the course of your treatments, you will notice gradual correction and a refreshed appearance.

  • Cheeks
  • Temples
  • Jawline
  • Nasolabioal Folds
  • Chin
  • Glutes
  • Arms
We ask our patients to avoid blood thinning medications and supplements for two weeks prior to their treatment in order to decrease the likelihood of bruising. Avoiding alcoholic beverages for 24 hours prior to your appointment may also help decrease bruising. Taking over-the-counter Arnica tablets for 3 days prior to your appointment may also be beneficial in reducing bruising and swelling.

AFTERCARE: After your treatment with Sculptra, it is very important that you follow the 5-5-5 rule. That is, you must massage your face 5 times a day for 5 minutes at a time for 5 days after your injections. Your face can appear “full” after your treatment due to the amount of fluid that is injected. This fullness will resolve in 24–48 hours. 

Lip Fillers are injections of Hyaluronic Acid, a naturally occurring substance in your body, that adds/restores volume and creates a more aesthetically pleasing pout. 
Superficial acion chemical abrasion mask with impurity reducing properties
Superficial action chemical abrasion mask with comedolytic and impurity reducing properties
Superficial action chemical abrasion mask indicated to reduce the first signs of photoageing
Chemical abrasion mask to achieve a uniform skin tone by attenuating pigmentation disorders.
Surface action chemical peel mask to improve the appearance of hyperpigmented and acne-prone skin
The Enlighten RX peel is a 28-day program that targets sun damage and melasma. It works to remove pigment, to reduce the appearance of acne scarring/acne, to smoothen the skin’s texture, and lighten your overall complexion.

The Enlighten Depigmentation Peel is a cosmetic lightening peel treatment that helps with melasma (dark spots) and other forms of skin pigmentation that do not respond to more traditional treatments. This two-step process communicates with your cells to bring discolored pigmentation to the surface by increasing cell turnover. It then penetrates deeper into the skin to inhibit pigmentation. Enlighten treatments inhibit the melanin production process and helps stop the pigmentation that causes the unwanted discoloration, while the increased cellular turnover sheds off the old damaged and pigmented cells, resulting in naturally even skin tones.

The Enlighten peel is a series of 2 peels over the course of a 28-day program that targets sun damage and melasma. It works to remove pigment, reduce the appearance of acne scarring/acne, smoothe the skin’s texture, and lighten your overall complexion.

Included in the treatment price is your post-peel home care kit, as well as a full-size retinol Rx 1%, and full-size hydroquinone Rx 4% for home care use to continue the process and help maximize your results.
Dermaplaning and micropeel is a combination treatment consisting of a manual exfoliation process, immediately followed by a mild medical grade peel, for maximum penetration. Dermaplaning is an exfoliating treatment that uses a hand-held instrument to remove dead skin cells and vellus hair or “peach fuzz”. Light, feathery strokes are used to gently scrape the skin’s surface. The build-up of dead skin cells and microscopic hair can cause your complexion to appear dull, flaky, and can even cause breakouts due to clogged pores and hair follicles. This form of mechanical exfoliation produces an even, healthy glow. Products applied after dermaplaning are also more easily absorbed. Subsequent make-up application is also smoother. We use a mild medical grade chemical peel that smooths the texture, decongests pores and hydrates skin. It is formulated with lactic acid, niacinamide, usnic acid (derived from onions) and other botanicals to improve skin radiance and clarity. It is anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal. It is an excellent option for those with sensitive skin, rosacea, or those who are new to chemical peels. And perfect for those who want an instant glow.
Microneedling is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that’s used to treat skin concerns by stimulating collagen production. This treatment creates micro-punctures in the skin using ?nano needles.
BioRePeelCl3 is an ITALIAN-MADE 35% TCA PEEL that is the most innovative peel on the market today. With ZERO to minimal skin shedding, this revolutionary professional grade peel means you won't have to put your social plans on hold while your skin heals.  BioRePeel improves the skin surface, imperfections, and accelerates cell turnover.  Stimulating the reconstruction of collagen and elastin deep within the skin layer, results can be seen instantly and continue to improve over the following weeks.  Unlike your traditional TCA Peels, most chew at the superficial layers of the skin until the desired area is barely visible anymore.  Who says your skin needs to peel to achieve optimal results?  Our peel gets to the root of the issue to assist in pushing it up and out for significantly longer lasting results.  Whether you are looking to reboot struggling skin or address signs of aging (or both!), the BioRePeel features a multitasking mixture of active ingredients, all in one powerhouse clinical treatment.  This peel is not photosensitive either, and can be used all year round and on all skin types! 

This incredible peel uses a patented 2-phase technology, that provides bio-stimulating, revitalizing & a peeling-like effect, without the downtime of a traditional peel. Its rich composition sets BioRePeel apart from its competitors. As a result, the combination of active components allows it to effectively prevent the aging of the skin. It has been clinically tested and proven to decrease and or eliminate damage from UV rays, pigmentation, acne and acne scarring.  BioRePeel dissolves bonds between the cells and carefully removes the most outer layer of skin, turning over the cells and revealing the glowing smooth new layer of skin underneath. While exfoliating the skin’s surface, it also stimulates the Fibroblast cells, which are the cells most responsible for the production of collagen and elastin.
Key components include a potent TCA solution for targeting skin texture, scarring, and discoloration; salicylic acid for troubleshooting congested pores and excess oil; tartaric acid for natural brightening; as well as lactobionic acid for boosting intercellular metabolism. Additionally, amino acids, and antioxidant vitamins–including Vitamins C and B2–are added to fight free radicals and damage to the skin as a result of UV and other environmental stressors.
The BioRePeel works utilizing biostimulation technology, which encourages the production of collagen and elastin, while also improving cellular turnover. The innovative peel formula helps to exfoliate your top layer of the skin by dissolving the bonds between old, dead, or damaged cells and promoting regeneration. This results in a micropeel effect revealing a new layer of fresh, healthy, and luminous-looking skin.

  • Immediate results
  • No downtime
  • Needle free and painless
  • Exfoliates, removes dead skin cells & stimulates new skin regeneration
  • Scars and post-acne marks improvement
  • Purification and oxygenation of the skin, leaving it moisturized, soft, refreshed, revitalized and clean
  • Infusion of vitamins and antioxidants without injections/needles
  • Improves texture of the skin, addresses skin aging, softening lines and adding turgidity
  • Can be used all year round
  • Can be performed on the face, neck, décolletage, hands, feet, arms and other parts of the body
Our deep cleansing facial works with our esthetician’s magical hands to remove toxins and dead skin cells from the surface of the skin. If you're a beginner to faicals this is a great pick for you. Hydrated, Exfoliated and Radiant Skin coming your way.

The $50 deposit fee will be credited to the service.
Professional Grade LED Light Therapy 

Our devices incorporate wavelengths of blue, red, and near-infrared light energy simultaneously emitted in proprietary combinations to target various skin issues, muscle and joint pain, or even hair loss.

What is LED Light Therapy?

LED Light therapy, also known as phototherapy or low-level light therapy, is the application of specific wavelengths of light energy to tissue to obtain therapeutic benefits for a variety of conditions including skin, pain and hair restoration.
The absorbed energy is then used to improve cellular performance. Light therapy can be delivered through light emitting diode (LEDs) devices or cold LASERs, and has a variety of applications across many medical fields. This clinically validated technique is gaining greater and greater acceptance in main stream medicine by dermatologists and cosmetic surgeons as a non-invasive therapeutic modality for the treatment and healing of skin and wound conditions and by pain professionals for pain relief.
Phototherapy, or LED red light therapy, has been widely researched and is supported by thousands of peer-reviewed and published clinical research papers from prestigious institutions around the world. Other terms by which light therapy is referred to are photobiostimulation, photobiomodulation, photomedicine, LED light therapy, low-level light therapy (LLLT), red light therapy, cold and soft LASER therapy. All terms are correct, have the same meaning and are used to describe the delivery of light energy to treat a variety of medical and cosmetic conditions.
LED light therapy treatments are non-invasive, painless, require no recovery time, and can be used safely on all skin types.

Price varies depending on how many units used. $13 a unit.
A Skinny Shot is a powerful mixture of B vitamins, amino acids, and lipotropic agents prepared to help people lose weight. Due to their combination of ingredients, lipotropic injections such as the Skinny Shot boost the production of energy and increase the metabolic rate, leading to the release of fat deposits from different body parts. In other words, Skinny Shots are a valuable weight-loss tool. When combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise, they can help you achieve your weight-loss goals.

The Signature HydraFacial process is simple; 3 steps to refresh the skin. This express treatment will help boost hydration, refresh dull skin and protect against environmental factors, leaving your skin looking radiant. Suitable for all skin types & concerns. Gives instant results. Ideal for those who would like a taster or those with limited time.
Deeply cleanse, extract, and hydrate the skin through our super serums filled with antioxidants, peptides, and hyaluronic acid. This also addresses the skins specific concerns through Hydrafacials boosters and protocols.
A mix of essential vitamins and minerals and powerful antioxidants to replenish electrolytes, rehydrates the body and boost your energy levels.
The purpose of our Vitamin B12 Shot is to improve energy levels, boost metabolism, help burn fat and aid in deficiency.
Many physicians choose to treat B12 deficiency with B12 shots because injections avoid the gastrointestinal tract entirely. That’s important for increasing B12 levels in people who can’t properly absorb B12 from food or supplements. Vitamin B12 can help boost your body’s energy levels by preventing fatigue, helping you to lose weight and also by lowering the risk of heart disease and other serious health concerns. It’s also essential for the health of your skin, hair and nails. Its other benefits include boosting your brainpower by slowing down memory loss, alleviating anxiety and aiding sleep.
Nurisng that hangover? Feeling jet-lagged? Bounce back, get off the couch and into the real world! This drip will rehydrate you by replenishing your fluids and electrolytes. The Restore Drip is a quick way to recover and feel good again!
Feel refreshed and rehydrated when you replenish your fluids and electrolytes with our Beat the Burn Out drip.

A $50 deposit is credited to service. 
Want beautiful, radiant skin? Our Inner Glow Drip is the answer! Hydrate your skin back to health by promoting collagen and elastin development to fight the signs of aging. This unique blend of vitamins and antioxidants will help give you the flawless glowing skin you're looking for, reduce inflammation and enhance your immune system.
Working hard in the gym or at your job? This drip helps you perform better, have more energy and recover faster. These ingredients will support athletic performance, muscle recovery, joint health, and the nutrients will help accelerate your metabolism, helping you to burn more calories and replenish your cells.
Our Immunity Warrior Drip supports your immune system. It includes a combination of Vitamin C and Zinc to help combat illnesses and improve sinus pressure. Vitamin C and Zinc are powerful nutrients that strengthen your immune system and reduce inflammation. This drip is perfect to fight viruses, bacteria, and seasonal allergies.
Embark on a journey to rejuvenated health with Glutathione--- the pinnacle of antioxidants. Vital for DNA production and toxin removal, it's your body's natural shield against aging and inflammation. As life's stressors deplete its levels, supplementing with Glutathione is key to preserving your vitality. Elevate your well-being and combat the ravages of time by embracing this potent protector of cellular health.
Activate the brain's neuron function by helping cells regenerate and protect them against damage. This results in increased mental cognition, better mental clarity, and higher concentration. Aids in the treatment of substance addition, chronic fatigue, and mental exhaustion. NAD levels diminish as we get older.
Activate the brain's neuron function by helping cells regenerate and protect them against damage. This results in increased mental cognition, better mental clarity, and higher concentration. Aids in the treatment of substance addition, chronic fatigue, and mental exhaustion. NAD levels diminish as we get older.