Step 1 Of 3

If you are a new patient, you must book an initial consultation first with the exception of the weight loss groups which are under "classes". 
This is the first consultation for a full health evaluation (includes homrones). 
Initial consultation for PRP and Aesthetics, if services are booked this amount will go towards services. 
Ultrasonic cavitation disrupts fat cell membranes, which results in the release of stored fat into the interstitial fluid around the fat cell. This fat is then taken up by the lymphatic and blood vessels and distributed throughout the body where it can be oxidised (burned) for energy. 
The PRP filler treatment uses the same principle as other fillers, however it uses your own body's healing properties and does not have the risk that synthetic fillers carry as it absorbs naturally. The plasma is placed in an incubator to concentrate into a gel-like solution. The PRP difference:  
 Natural looking results ,  no change in facial expressions
  • Long-lasting results ,  by regeneration of your cells
  • Stimulates natural hyaluronic acid 
  • Reduced wrinkles and scarring directly and provides a luminous look
The ultimate package to rejuvenate your skin to look and feel your best. We use your body's own healing properties from platelet rich plasma (PRP) and combine it with hylauraunic acid applied using microdermabrasion. We finish with redl ight therapy and vitamin C topical treatment. This treatment increases collagen, reduces fine lines and scarring, repairs scarring, and reduces acne outbreaks. You will be amazed at the youthful glow immediately after treatment. The PRP continues to heal and rejuvenate your skin for six weeks after treatment.  Three treatments are highly suggested for maximum healing and effect.

Microdermabrasion is a minimally invasive procedure used to renew overall skin tone and texture. It can improve the appearance of sun damage, wrinkles, fine lines, age spots, acne scarring, melasma, and other skin-related concerns and conditions.  
Red light therapy is a NASA discovered  and used treatment. Using a specific spectrum of light we expose the treatment area to the red light. The part of your cells called mitochondria, sometimes called the “power generators” of your cells, soak it up  and make more energy to regenerate damaged cells.. This spurs healing in skin, joint, and muscle tissue. 

Electrical muscle stimulation involves sending electrical impulses through the skin. This has been used in physical therapy and orthopedics for many years and helps repair tissue and strengthen muscles. 
Hormone Consultation
Single injection in one area (must have consultation first.
The ultimate package to reduce cellulite, tighten skin, reduce scarring and stretch marks, and stimulate muscles.  We start by using cellulite cavitation to break up fat cells using our special firming topical treatment.  Then we use muscle stimulation  device to help the cellulite move from the cells into the lymphatic system where it can be used as energy. We then use platelet rich plasma with microdermabrasion to increase collagen, reduce scarring and stretchmarks and tighten the skin.  Finished off with red light therapy to increase regeneration and healing.    This treatment can be used on any area, not just the abs.  Pricing is per treatment area. Three treatments are highly suggested for maximum healing and effect. 
(Electrolyte fluids, Zofran, Toradol)
Electrolyte Bag with added medications to address dehydration, headaches, acute illness, nausea, aches, pains, and altitude sickness.      

 (NAD+, Taurine, Vitamin C, Biotin, B-Complex)
Increases cell production to slow the aging process and promotes healthy hair, nails, and skin to help you look your best while hydrating your joints and reducing inflammation to help you keep up your Colorado lifestyle.

(NAD+, Taurine, Vitamin C, Glutathione)
Restore energy to do it all again.   Promotes collagen production to help the joints, helps with muscle repair and soreness and aids in secretion of metabolic waste. NAD+ is excellent for detox!

(Magnesium, Calcium, Selenium, B6, Vit C, Acetylcysteine, B5, B-Complex, B12, Glutathione) 
Our custom mixture that supports the regeneration (PRP) process and provides extra nutrients to help heal injury, produce collagen, increase blood flow, build cartilage, and increase range of motion

(The Rio, Zofran, Toradol)
This bag is the one you need after last night.  A little hair of the dog in the form of vitamins to get you through the day and on to the next party.  You might have heard of the "banana bag?"  This is the  banana bag plus! 
PRP can be used as a new therapeutic option for hair loss including androgenetic alopecia and female pattern hair loss, either as a monotherapy or an adjuvant to conventional therapy or hair transplantation. PRP is also considered a safe, effective, steroid sparing, and alternative treatment for alopecia aerate. Moreover, there was evidence showing that PRP can improve clinical symptoms in some types of cicatricial alopecia.  This treatment requires consultation. The price is per session.  More than one session is needed for ultimate effect.  Packages are avialable. 

 Consultation required.                               
Named for my grandma June "Bug" that passed away too young of breast cancer. This is a supportive treatment plan to meet your individual health needs during cancer treatment and for survivors to boost the immune system, produce cell regeneration, aid in oxygen uptake, help cell metabolism, and boost energy . This is not cancer treatment, it is adjunct therapy and every patient should consult with their physician to make sure it is appropriate. A consultation is required at $50 which will go towards your treatment plan.  All cancer patients can choose: 20% off or to pay full price and we will donate to the Women's Wellness Program which provides breast and cervical cancer screening  for uninsured women.  Price is for consultation only, IV pricing is  variable depending on your plan.
(B12 x2, B-Complex, Taurine, L-Carnitine x3, Glutathione)
The ultimate energy booster in preparation to win the race. Helps with weight management too!

First month weight loss