Step 1 Of 3

Ketamine & Cannabis Assisted Psychotherapy requires an Initial Psychiatric Evaluation before beginning treatment unless a referral with medical records are received from currently treating therapist or doctor. 

All Infusion & Injection therapy services require a pre-screening questionnaire to determine eligibility that must be completed 48 hours prior to a booked appointment, otherwise the appointment will need to be rescheduled. 
Any referrals for specific IV formulations & protocols need to be submitted for approval prior to scheduling online.

Individual Breathwork sessions are available without any prescreening required.
Inquiries on Group breathwork sessions should be sent to [email protected]

La psicoterapia asistida con ketamina y cannabis requiere una evaluación psiquiátrica inicial antes de comenzar el tratamiento, a menos que se reciba una referencia con registros médicos del terapeuta o médico que lo esté tratando actualmente.
Todos los servicios de terapia de infusión e inyección requieren un cuestionario de preselección para determinar la elegibilidad que debe completarse 48 horas antes de una cita reservada; de lo contrario, será necesario reprogramar la cita.
Todas las referencias para formulaciones y protocolos IV específicos deben enviarse para su aprobación antes de programar en línea.
Las sesiones individuales de trabajo de respiración están disponibles sin necesidad de una evaluación previa.
Las consultas sobre las sesiones de respiración grupal deben enviarse a [email protected]

Nutrient therapy 250 to 500ml bag, 30-45 minutes. Please indicate what type you would like: Energy, Immune boost, Liver support, Detoxification, Anti-inflammatory
Injection of nutrients & homeopathic medicines for pain, inflammation, immune health, and many other conditions. B12, MIC, Bcomplex, Vit C, Glutathione, Traumeel, Lymphomyosot, Engystol, etc. Each additional homeopathic medicine is $20
Prescreening questionnaire required to be completed 48 hours prior to booked appointment to determine eligibility for requested treatment. 
A small amount of blood is drawn and mixed with ozone, then reinjected into hip or upper am. Great immune support and preventative treatment. Treatment takes about 15 minutes and doesn't require an initial comprehensive consultation.
Injection of Ozone gas into oral cavity tissue/gums for dental infections, root canals, etc. Up to 2 injections per cost
May require evaluation consult prior to treatment unless being referred by other physician for treatment only. Requires prior normal G6PD lab result. 60 minute drip. Make sure to eat within a couple of hours of the IV as it can drop blood sugar.
May require evaluation consult prior to treatment unless being referred by other physician for treatment only. 90 minute infusion for infections, especially sinus, GI, and urinary tract.
Short 15 minute consult for $95 to review history & determine frequency & duration of treatments, along with treatment on same day. This appointment can be for treatment of up to 2 large joints or areas such as Hips, Shoulders, Knees, Spine/Back area or 4 medium joints (elbows, wrists, ankles, hand/fingers, foot/toes) in a single appointment time. Cost is determined by size & quantity of areas/joints done in a single appointment and should be determined during initial consult. Usual cost is $350 for single large area/joint with each additional large joint on same appointment time for $100 each. Medium joints can start at $75 per area but total cost can change depending on size and number of areas that need treatment.
Can be booked after Initial consult for Prolozone to continue progress and maintenance of joint health. Up to 2 large joints (Back area/spine, Shoulders, Hips, Knees) or 4 med/small joints (Elbows, Wrists, Ankles, Fingers, and Toes). Cost is determined by size & quantity of areas/joints done in a single appointment and should be determined during initial consult.
Intramuscular injections of nutrients to help release trigger points and spasms, Up to 8 for this fee.
Follow-up in-office appointment for 30 minutes.
Follow-up appointments that do not require a physical exam or lab/imaging orders. Usually to review lab results or update medications/supplements.
Unsure of what you are looking for or if Dr. Baca would be a good fit for your wellness needs?  This appointment provides you the opportunity to ask general questions or inquire about specific treatments or therapies utilized by Dr. Baca.
This is the first comprehensive consultation with Naturopath to evaluate and gather information through labs, records, & personal history & physical exam. Necessary in complex and chronic conditions with a need for a primary physician. Usually 60 minutes.
A thorough and collaborative review between the patient and provider to establish goals and treatment, and to approve use of ketamine therapy.
Ketamine-assisted integrated psychotherapy (KAIP) 
Medication Management Appointment
1 in-office session, 2-2.5 hours, for clients who have completed ketamine-assisted therapy for mental health conditions
15 minute increments for prescription fulfillment issues, such as stock shortages or pharmacy transfers, insurance-related issues.
30 minute virtual or in-person follow-up appointment
Psychotherapy and Medical Management
Increments of 30 minutes