Step 1 Of 3


*After booking, check your email's spam folder for your welcome email. It will have directions on how to sign into your patient portal to complete your new patient paperwork. Mark the email "not spam" so you will receive communications from us.*

For existing patients to schedule their follow up visits to be seen via telehealth. After selecting an appointment date,
 please click on "Already a client?" so the system doesn't create a duplicate account. 
For existing patients to schedule their follow up visits to be seen in person. After selecting an appointment date,
 please click on "Already a client?" so the system doesn't create a duplicate account. 
Choose this option if you are a NEW patient and want to be seen via telehealth. 
If you are going to use insurance, please send us a picture of the front and back of your insurance card to:
(903) 833-9875
before booking your appointment so we can verify benefits.
When benefits are verified, we will contact you to set up an appointment.
Choose this option if you are a NEW patient and want to be seen in person
If you are going to use insurance, please send us a picture of the front and back of your insurance card to:
(903) 833-9875 before booking your appointment so we can verify benefits. 
When benefits are verified, we will contact you to set up an appointment.