JenteelNature Health


Step 1 Of 3

Welcome to JenteelNature Health! All appointments are conducted virtually (telemedicine).
Please scroll down to schedule your desired appointment type and time.
INITIAL VISIT (Age 14+, up to 60 minutes)
  • Initial Intake, Past Medical History, Family History, Review of Systems and Individualized Treatment Plan

FOLLOW-UP VISIT (up to 40 minutes / must be scheduled 2–3 weeks after initial visit)
  • Lab Review, Review of Concerns, Dietary Counseling, Mind-Body Counseling, Dietary Plan, and Revised Treatment Plan

Last appointment was completed between 6 months - 2 years ago / or complex cases
  • Lab Review, Review of Concerns, Dietary Counseling, Mind-Body Counseling, Dietary Plan, and Revised Treatment Plan
  • Lab Review, Review of Concerns, Dietary Counseling, Mind-Body Counseling, Dietary Plan, and Revised Treatment Plan (up to 40 min)
  • A quickie is ideal for current patients/clients who wish to have additional guidance that is inappropriate for the patient portal, but shorter than the comprehensive or extensive visits. Due to the brevity in time, this visit takes place over the phone.
Do you have a challenging medical case and need another set of eyes? This is an advisory session using knowledge and expertise to discuss various medical conditions, health challenges and natural treatment options.
  • Bacterial Vaginosis, Yeast, Vaginitis, HPV etc. (30 minutes)